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I am glad you came

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

I just wanted to thank you and introduce myself

If you haven't met me yet I am glad you came. My name is Jen and I am a modern homesteader who lives in northern Alberta in Canada. What is a modern homesteader you might ask... well let's see. I have trouble in my own mind calling myself a homesteader and so I have settled on this term as a compromise.

We purchased a piece of land that was falling into disrepair. What once was a traditional homestead of sorts was no longer salvageable and the space surrounding it was treated more like a landfill than a home. After much cleaning and purging of the land, we designed and built a new home. In a short space of time we added a beautiful garden as well as a coop to house chickens, turkeys and ducks. Even though at times the amount of work seemed insurmountable,

We adopted the motto "little by little one travels far"

It was important for me to make lists and set goals for ourselves. Rather than focusing on the big picture of everything that had to get done, we chose one task and then the next. Taking one step at a time allowed us to break the work down into a series of small manageable steps.

Creating a new life.

I do want to preface by saying that the lifestyle we have chosen isn't always an easy one. TV shows might romanticize living in the country and working the land. With this life comes many blessings but it also comes with a great deal of work. My neighbour always says if you think your work out here is done then you aren't looking hard enough. He is right. My lists will always continue and the ebb and flow of the seasons bring about their own challenges and work loads. Although some nights I am so tired I can stand no longer, I wouldn't give it up for the world. The beauty of working with your hands and the rewards of the land and its harvests outweigh the tired weary muscles that come with it.

If your soul yearns for this lifestyle and you aren't sure how you can get here, follow along for practical tips and concrete steps to making your dream a reality. If you have ideas about things you would like to learn please don't hesitate to send them my way. If you see things I could be doing better I am happy to learn from others as well. Little by little we go is a safe and encouraging space. I want this to be a place that makes people feel welcome and encourages people no matter what step of the journey they are on. I thank you in advance for helping me to keep this platform positive and uplifting and I look forward to creating a community along the way.

Little by little we go


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1 Kommentar

27. März 2021

I cannot wait to see what you will create next , whether it’s a blog a garden a cake or just fun with your animals and kids. So inspiring to me Jenn. May you be Blessed for your contribution to humanity.

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